
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Google Videos Middle East Mess and the PR Machine

The raise of Google is well know to Netizens... Addition of features is more a habit than an event/news in Google....
One of Google's many features is video. It has a top 100 feature where you get to find out what the Net likes... this is probably one medium of information/news which is not under the control of the state..... While most serious minded people would brush aside most of the top 100 videos as a mere waste of time, there are a few exceptions....
Two of them that came to notice, both critical of the state and both points of view not presented by main-stream media.
One is a video titled 911 loose change and the other one titled Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land.
Frist video most would dismiss as yet another conspiracy theory.... The second a damning analysis of Middle East mess, and the power of the PR Machine....
Both interesting at the very least....

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